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Treat interviews as opportunities for you to help reporters do their jobs and get your key messages into the media.


Prepare for the interview
Know your key messages. Try to anticipate what questions will be asked, and then practice responses—especially if you will be interviewed on air.
Scout it out
Know your key messages. Try to anticipate what questions will be asked, and then practice responses—especially if you will be interviewed on air.
Don’t make demands
Don’t request certain reporters or specific questions. Don’t declare certain subjects out of bounds for discussion. Don’t try to dictate who should or should not be interviewed. Don’t ask that your remarks not be edited or for a review of an article prior to publication. It is an insult to the ability and integrity of the reporter and news organization, and it makes you appear to be hiding something.
Consider yourself the reporter’s guest
Be courteous and patient when answering (and re-answering) questions.
Give the interview your undivided attention
Turn off distractions such as cell phones before starting the interview (especially if it will be broadcast on the radio or television).
Stay on message
Don’t be led into other areas of discussion, and don’t attempt to speak on a topic outside your expertise.
Correct mistakes quickly
If you inadvertently misstate an answer, correct it as quickly as possible.
Be helpful
Offer to get additional information and follow up with information requests. Respect deadlines.
Be camera ready
If you will be interviewed on television, don’t wear white (it can cause glare) or busy prints (they will make the screen jump). Don’t stare into the lens—just talk with the reporter and ignore the technology.