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Once you know whom you need to reach, decide what you would like them to know, feel, or do. What key messages do you want to communicate? Having a clear idea of your key messages before a crisis scenario occurs means that you can get out the door quickly with targeted communications to protect the public and ease their concerns.

The Message Development section of this course contains an overview that discusses how to pinpoint your messages and provides tips for message delivery. The First Message Template is a guide for immediate communications after the onset of an emergency:

Be ready to distribute information during specific crisis events. As much as possible, draft fact sheets, question and answer sheets, talking points, and other supplementary materials ahead of time.

Many of the questions that reporters ask can be anticipated. Complete the Anticipated Q&A Worksheet to help you prepare for questions the media and the public may ask you:

For a more comprehensive list of common questions asked by the media, see the list developed by Dr. Vincent Covello: